

Five+Twenty Past

BLOG—Since 2019
BLOG number of years 5
BLOG number of months 5
BLOG number of weeks 1
BLOG number of days 5
BLOG TOTAL days 1,992
A personal blog for me to showcase my articles and photographs on subjects such as life, music and comedy.
BLOG has 9 articles
BLOG has 42 photos
BLOG has NO stock photos
VISITS since launch, 2,772


GALLERY—Since 2017
GALLER number of years 6
GALLER number of months 10
GALLER number of weeks 2
GALLER number of days 0
GALLER TOTAL days 2,510
A gallery of photographs documenting the world travels of Adrian and Jillian since the time they first met.
GALLERY has 10 destinations
GALLERY has 351 photographs
GALLERY has Various cameras
VISITS since launch, 1,828


Archived 2011
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

About This Site

Welcome to the Bavanco website, each card links to an individual page.

The design is based on title deed cards from a 1950's Monopoly set.

Bavanco Website b. 2002


DB—Since 2019
DB number of years 5
DB number of months 3
DB number of weeks 1
DB number of days 2
DB TOTAL days 1,928
A complete database of Radiohead concerts I have attended visually represeted by statistics, tables and charts.
DB has 9 concerts
DB has 220 songs
DB has FULL admin dashboard
VISITS since launch, 1,172

Screaming Bears: Under Construction

Archived 1999
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived


PROJECT—Since 2019
PROJECT number of years 4
PROJECT number of months 11
PROJECT number of weeks 0
PROJECT number of days 4
PROJECT TOTAL days 1,800
My personal collection of photographs taken at and around each of the streets on the London monopoly board.
PROJECT has 10 postcodes
PROJECT has 28 streets
PROJECT has ALL properties
VISITS since launch, 1,537

Bavanco: Version 2002

Archived 2003
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

About The Author

Adrian is an enthusiast, comedian, husband, cat owner and web developer.

He started the Bavanco website many years before his web based career.

Adrian Bavister b. 1978


Bavanco: Version 2008

Archived 2015
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Sites Reference

SITES—Since 2015
SITES number of years 9
SITES number of months 4
SITES number of weeks 0
SITES number of days 3
SITES TOTAL days 3,413
This Site serves as a Handy Reference to ALL the Websites I have recently Developed for Friends and Myself.
SITES has 4 domains
SITES has 8 microsites
SITES has CUSTOM designs
VISITS since launch, 1,900

World Times

Bavanco Global
Time at page load

Time in Dallas 5:31 pm

Time in London 11:31 pm

Time in Melbourne 9:31 am

% of Year Elapsed 78%

World Temperatures

Bavanco Global
Temperature °C/°F

Temperat in Dallas 33/92

Temperat in London 15/58

Temperat in Melbourne 19/66

Season in Dallas Fall

The Archives

ARCHIVES—Since 2015
ARCHIV number of years 8
ARCHIV number of months 11
ARCHIV number of weeks 2
ARCHIV number of days 1
ARCHIV TOTAL days 3,272
This archives site aims to Preserve a Definitive History of the Bavanco branding and online Web Presence.
ARCHIVES spans 20 years
ARCHIVES has 3 domains
ARCHIVES has FULL history
VISITS since launch, 1,553

Bavanco: Under Construction

Archived 2003
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Bavanco: Version 2001

Archived 2002
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Bavanco: Version 2003

Archived 2008
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Bavanco: Coming Soon

Archived 2019
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Screaming Bears: Version 1

Archived 2001
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived

Screaming Bears: Version 2

Archived 2009
Card must be turned this side up if website is archived